A comparative analysis of regulatory approaches to the assisted living/retirement home sector in Ontario and British Columbia.
This research study seeks to address the significant gaps that exist in data about the retirement homes sector that are contributing to challenges in making evidence-based policy to guide equity-focused reform. Our team is undertaking a cross-provincial comparison of retirement home governance structures with a focus on the contextual factors such as politics, power relations, and interest groups, that led to the development of different regulatory models in Ontario and British Columbia. We hope that in comparing the two approaches, the findings of the study can inform future policy decisions on how assisted living can be better integrated into the continuum of care for retirement home residents.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Catalyst Grant.
Research Team
Project Lead: Krystal Kehoe MacLeod kmacleod@bruyere.org
Research Coordinator: Eunice Hammond ehammond@bruyere.org

Kehoe MacLeod K, Hammond E, Tanuseputro P. July 11-15, 2024. The role of regulation in the assisted living sector in Canada and impacts on integrated care. European Conference on Aging & Gerontology. London, United Kingdom. Oral presentation.
Hammond E, Tanuseputro, P, Kehoe MacLeod K. May 14-16, 2024. A comparative analysis of regulatory approaches to the assisted living sector in Ontario and British Columbia and impacts on integrated care. The Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research Conference (CAHSPR) 2024. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Oral presentation.
Kehoe MacLeod K, Jamieson L, Hammond E, Tanuseputro, P. Apr 22-24, 2024. Comparing assisted living governance structures in Ontario and British Columbia and implications for care integration. The International Conference on Integrated Care. Belfast, Northern Ireland. Oral presentation.
Hammond E, Wingrove S, Hillmer M, Manis D, McGrail K, Allin S, Archibald D, Corman M, Costa A, Hsu A, McGregor M, Bruce B, Green F, Tanuseputro P, Kehoe MacLeod K. (Nov 30, 2023). Comparing retirement home governance structures in Ontario and British Columbia and implications for care integration. Bruyere Research Day 2023. Ottawa, Poster presentation.
Hammond E, Wingrove S, Hillmer M, Manis D, McGrail K, Allin S, Archibald D, Corman M, Costa A, Hsu A, McGregor M, Bruce B, Green F, Tanuseputro P, Kehoe MacLeod K. (Nov 16, 2023). Comparing retirement home governance structures in Ontario and British Columbia and implications for care integration. Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (OHRI) Research Day 2023. Ottawa, Poster presentation. *Won best poster in the Clinical or Applied Research Category (Postdoctoral).
Coming Soon.