Ottawa Valley
Food Security Project
Uniting families in West Ottawa to cultivate locally grown vegetables, share healthy food through Food Sharing Stands, and work together toward food sovereignty.

This not-for-profit organization, founded by Dr. Kehoe MacLeod in 2023, leads the Community Backyard Garden Project and the Ottawa Valley Food Sharing Stand Initiative. In its second year, this community-led project brought together 160 families in West Ottawa to learn to grow vegetable gardens in their backyards. They were supplied with seeds donated by project partners McKenzie Seeds and Dollarama, seedlings started by members of the project’s organizing committee and Dunrobin Nursery, compost donated by Dekka Home Hardware, and straw mulch paid for with funds donated by the Stittsville District Lions Club.
The project offers in-person and virtual educational sessions throughout the growing season. In partnership with the Ottawa Public Library, Food Sharing Stands are hosted at the Constance Bay Pharmacy and four library branches for families and community members to share a portion of their harvest with those in need. Project leaders hope to continue expanding next year by enrolling more families into the project and opening new Food Sharing Stands in across the Ottawa Valley.

We are always seeking members to join our Organizing Committee and sponsors interested in supporting the incredible work that we do. Please reach out to to see how you can help.
We are done accepting families into the 2024 cohort of the Community Backyard Garden Project. Participating families received all the information you need to grow a thriving vegetable garden in the Ottawa Valley. Families also received free seeds, seedlings, educational sessions, and access to support and mentorship through our Facebook group. Families signed up for two donations days at the Food Sharing Stand of their choice.

Food Sharing Stand Locations (June 24-October 1, 2024)
Ottawa Public Library – Carp Branch
3911 Carp Rd
Carp, ON K0A 1L0
Ottawa Public Library – Beaverbrook Branch
2500 Campeau Dr
Kanata, ON K2K 2W3
Constance Bay Compounding Pharmacy
179 Constance Bay Rd
Woodlawn, ON K0A 3M0
Ottawa Public Library – Hazeldean Branch
50 Castlefrank Rd
Kanata, ON K2L 2N5
Ottawa Public Library – Stittsville Branch
1637 Stittsville Main St
Stittsville, ON K2S 1A9