Exploring Linguistic and Cultural Concordance in Care: Barriers and Facilitators Encountered by Nurse Practitioners and Nurses in the Champlain Region
In this project we explored the experiences of Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and nurses providing linguistic and culturally discordant care in the Champlain region. Given the increasing diversity in Eastern Ontario and Canada, the demand for non-English language services is expanding. Our goal was to understand how NPs and nurses provide care, especially to those whose primary language is not English. We compared findings with our other concurrent studies on the experiences of language discordance in family physicians, home care, and in interprofessional teams working in primary health care settings for a more comprehensive understanding of impacts of language discordance on patient care. This project has helped us to improve care quality for our diverse and growing population.
Research Team
Project Supervisor: Krystal Kehoe MacLeod
Project Lead: Marie-Ève Tittley

Tittley ME, Backman C, Lee SH, Gibb M, Kehoe MacLeod K (2024) Analyzing Linguistic and Culturally Discordant Care from the Perspectives of Nurses and Nurse Practitioners in Ontario, Canada. International Journal of Nursing and Health Care Research 7:1547. DOI:
Tittley M-E, Lee A, Gibb M, Backman C, Kehoe MacLeod K. (May 13-17, 2024). Analyse de la Concordance Linguistique dans les Soins : Barrières et Facilitateurs Rencontrés par les Infirmières Praticiennes dans la Région de Champlain. Symposium à l’Institut de Savoir Montfort, Congrès de l’Association francophone pour le savoir. Ottawa, Ontario. Poster presentation.
Tittley M-E, Lee A, Gibb M, Backman C, Kehoe MacLeod K. May 14-16, 2024. Analyzing Linguistic and Culturally Discordant Care from the Perspectives of Nurse Practitioners in Ontario, Canada. Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research Conference (CAHSPR) 2024. Ottawa, Ontario. Poster presentation. Won 1stPlace IHSPR CAHSPR Student Poster Prize.